All items must be new and fit in a plastic shoe box 12 x 7 x 4 inches. Every box will be unique in contents. Please contact Cori if you are interested in donating items for a particular age group or have suggestions for additional items that are not listed. Due to COVID-19, we will be vetting all items. We are NOT permitted to include food in the boxes.

Infant/Toddler toys
Light-up, interactive, musical toys (VTech, Bright Starts, Munchkin, Infantino, Fisher-Price, LeapFrog)
Infant mobiles
Infant/toddler board books
Music & activity boxes that attach to a crib
Infant rattles & teethers
Stacking toys
Shape sorters
Crib mirrors
Busy boxes/cause and effect toys
Cars and trucks (larger sizes)
Preschool Toys
Medical play kits (Fisher-Price Medical Kits)
Fisher Price “Thank you heroes” medical action figures
School Age Toys
Nerf basketball hoops
Sports balls
Magnatiles/Picasso Tiles
Hotwheels cars
Hotwheels track sets
Adolescent Gifts
High quality sketch pads, sketch pencils, pastels, and charcoal
Cozy socks
Phone cases
Hair Brushes
Sensory toys for all ages
Tactile, vibrating, light-up, monkey noodles, Squishy toys, wand spinners, stress balls (Oriental Trading
Co. mini mesh squishy balls) -
Play dough, Crayola Model Magic, Clay, Putty, Mad Matter Dough Kinetic sand
Spanish books (all ages)
Recordable books (All the Ways I Love You, Under the Same Moon, etc.)
Push button/interactive books
Search and find (for all ages- I Spy, Where’s Waldo, etc.)
Journals (for all ages)
Paint: paint containers with lids, paint sets, paintbrushes
Color pencils, markers, crayons
Coloring books (child and teen/adult), Fuzzy felt posters
Craft and bead kits (JUST MY STYLE, Made By Me, CRAFT TASTIC, ALEX, Craftabelle Creation Kits,
Melissa & Doug, etc.) -
Dry erase boards & markers
Playing cards, Uno, Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Connect 4, Jenga, Monopoly, Battleship, etc.
100 piece puzzles or less
Small, individual lego kits
Medium and large lego kits
Duplo, and Mega Blocks (all sizes/skill level)